So, why isn't everyone grateful? What has life done that we can't share an inkling of joy with others? Semi-quoting Paul's words, if anyone has a right to complain, I do. [Paul said, "brag." You can read why someday in my book, Living in Technicolor.] But after the pain, after the abuse, the loss, the hardship -- whatever that may be -- shouldn't we rejoice that we're still alive. If we aren't well, shouldn't we rejoice that we had a chance to glimpse the wonders of the world around us? That we have a God that loves us? [We really do. Email me if you don't know the love of Jesus Christ.]
Next time someone comes to you with dirt on their hands, smile. Be grateful that you have someone who is with you. Smiling is a small gift we can give back, but it's one that usually comes back to us again. A SMILE says that we're grateful the person we smiled at is in our lives.

When my son was young I told him to make a list of one hundred good things he could think of in his life. He had a hard time getting to ten but it got easier over time. I did it, too. Then we went over the list one by one. I still do this inventory periodically. It helps build my attitude of gratitude. As we age, we get to have more and more things to brag about [or reasons to be grateful]. It's all in what we focus on.
We can only share what we have learned and hope that some of it rubs off on others someday. Then reflect the gratitude we have inside -- starting with a smile.
Grateful you had the time to read this.